Ready or Not – How to Discover and Deliver the Best Investor in You?

Ready or Not – How to Discover and Deliver the Best Investor in You? Ready or not – how to discover and deliver the best Investor in you? Many questions if they are investors, and many feel they don’t have the knowledge or funds to get started.  Surprise! When you earn a paycheque in the…

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What’s One Of Life’s Most Valuable Assets?

Unearthing One of Life’s Most Valuable Assets When you get immersed in your career as an employee, you tend to overlook one of your life’s most valuable assets. Most North Americans work for someone else as their way to a life of financial and benefit security. Historically from 1989 to the present day, the number…

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What’s In It For Me WIIFM: A Better Life and Actionable Opportunities?

What’s In It For Me WIIFM: A Better Life and Actionable Opportunities? What does this mean? Are you listening to your favourite podcast or reading your favourite blog post to add value to your life and turn what you have heard or read into an opportunity? Most people don’t search for a website; for instance,…

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Are the Big Banks Getting Fat and Lazy; Laughing all the way to the Bank?

Last week more of the Big Canadian Banks announced record profits; lending is driving their profits. The big banks take the cream of the lending crop and are happy to let higher interest rate lenders take the higher risk consumer. Anything the big banks consider high risk; not only gets passed off to other lenders…

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