How to Sign, Seal, Deliver, A Book, and Boost Your Amazon Author Page

How to Sign, Seal, Deliver A Book, and Boost Your Amazon Author Page. Mission Accomplished: Signed, Sealed, Delivered Last Friday, I received confirmation from Amazon. Amazon sent an email: ” Your book is available for pre-order in the Kindle Store!”


The Trimesters: The Birth of a Book

This is one of those special moments in life. In addition, it is almost as rewarding as the words: we are having a baby!!

Writing and birthing a book are not exclusive gender roles. It takes an entire family, village, and team to bring your book to life. 

Similarly, the labour I am going through to bring my book to life is filled with emotions. However, getting a child into the world can be physically demanding; I don’t want to minimize this aspect of giving birth.

First Trimester

Above all, part of this writing journey is when to launch. If you are not familiar with launching a book, you go through stages during each writing trimester.

You can ask each author how they knew they were in the first trimester of their book.

From my experience, it is not when you have the germination of the idea of your book, come up with the title, or, similarly, when you have put a ton of words on paper.

In the beginning, as an author, you have loved the writing process and reaction to making love to words; however, you know you are not in the conception stage.

Your lovemaking with words may have been intense; however, conception results have produced no life.

In your words, this lack of feeling and lack of life is why so many books have never come.

The first trimester starts when you know your feelings and words are changing and coming to life. The birth of a book is on its way.

How to Sign, Seal, Deliver A Book, and Boost Your Amazon Author Page

Baby Out With the Bathwater

It took me a couple of years to realize the writing results were not bringing anything to life. When listening to the most successful authors, bloggers, podcasters, or YouTubers, they say you need to niche down to stand out.

Even though I was writing about investment real estate and its positive impact on my life, I was much too broad.

The Aha Moment

My Aha moment came when I was working with a client, and my generalities were killing him. He was not learning or retaining anything.

My book title changed then, and my book life began to be fertilized. Drilling the content down and getting focused, my client started to see immediate learning and retention results.

The words of many great coaches took hold: work on the basics and do the basics well.

The book title, 31 Days to Purchasing and Renting Your First Investment Real Estate Property, took on a life of its own and delivered on the promise.  

The Next Trimesters

My next blog posts will include more stories about the second and third trimesters of the birth of my book. There is much to share. In the next several blog posts, I will expand on different elements of bringing a book to life, including the Amazon Author’s page.

How to Sign, Seal, Deliver A Book, and Boost Your Amazon Author Page

Why August 19, 2021, Book Launch Date 

As a proud book parent, I would love it if you pre-ordered my book, which launches on August 19, 2021.  

Why the August 19, 2021, book launch date?  

Currently, my book is in the hands of a team of Advance Review Copy Readers who are charged with reading and reviewing it before its launch date. 

Putting myself and the book out there can be a little daunting. However, if I have faith that the book I have written is of great value and can make a difference in my readers’ lives, I need to get input from potential readers and industry influencers.

How to Sign, Seal, Deliver A Book, and Boost Your Amazon Author Page

If You Don’t Ask Hard to Receive 

I am also asking you to pre-order my book, and it will definitely take a little faith on your part to trust that I am going to deliver on the promise of you Purchasing and renting your first investment real estate property in 31 Days. 

This morning, one of my Advance Review Copy Readers wrote me a personal direct message (DM): ” Just an update on my progress through 31 Days. I’m about halfway through the page count and enjoying it enormously. This is precious stuff for a new (or experienced) investor. ”  

To pre-order a copy of my book, please click on the Amazon link above and like Magic. In other words, it will appear for pre-order; follow the 1-Click instructions on the top right-hand side of the page, and it’s yours. After that, the book will be auto-delivered to your Kindle.

Remember, the Kindle app is free. I appreciate your support. 


About the author, W. Rick

Dynamic entrepreneur and sales management strategist; with over 20 years of experience in his field. Rick has achieved multimillion-dollar sales growth while providing award-winning sales leadership and coaching in highly competitive markets.

An active real estate investor since 2002, Rick has developed his purchasing strategies and processes specializing in vacation and recreational properties, single-family homes and condo rentals.

In 2005, Rick re-financed his first rental property to fund the purchase of more positive cash flowing rental properties.

Rick sits on the Board of Directors for several condominium associations and is an active President and Treasurer. Sitting on these boards has given him a wealth of experience and insight into working with property management companies.

Rick has partnered with several joint venture associates and is committed to creating a positive investing experience for his associates by finding the properties, developing the investment, securing the financing and executing a proven positive cash flow system.

Why should you choose Rick as your Online Vault to Investment Real Estate Success Advisor?

An outstanding mentor and coach, Rick will work with you to build your investment real estate business starting from the foundation. From guiding you through the market research and critical drivers, building your team of trades, realtors, and lenders to attracting the investment real estate properties right for your portfolio and the joint venture partners to help you grow.

Through direction and training, Rick will help you develop your investment real estate goals and be a catalyst for you to purchase your first investment real estate property so you can build a strong financial foundation unlocking sustainable wealth and a living legacy for you and many generations to come.

Thank you for taking the only asset that gives us so much through life, but we can never get back our time.

Please join Rick on living his mantra:

” Prosperity for all aspects of your life forever.” W. Rick Harris

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